Overwhelmed By Your TBR.


Right now I have 5 stacks of books next to my bed that I NEED to read ASAP. Then there’s my shelves, where it is a mishmash of things that have been read and need to be read. I don’t really have any way to organize my shelves. I just tend to shove things in, which is probably the worst way to go about it. And If I let myself think about how many books I have to read I just can’t imagine not being able to read them all. It gets so overwhelming I just can’t see an end to all the books. Sometimes it just seems that I can never make a dent. The stacks keep getting bigger and bigger and I love books but there is no end in sight. I don’t tend to think about my TBR very often but when I do I just can’t help but think, where does it end? How will I have enough time for all these books? Should I get rid of some books that I only picked up because they were on sale? But then there are those books you read that you never expect to love, but then you read them and you fall in love! Then I have to think about, how do I cut down my TBR? How do I even begin to pick which book to read? So many thoughts run through my mind when I actually think about how many books I have yet to read. It’s a lot to think about and I tend to have to shut off that line of thinking because if I continue I will end up building a fort, crawling inside and never coming out. Although then I would probably be able to make a dent on that reading pile.

I have signed up for Spring clean your TBR, so that should help alleviate some of my TBR. But what about you guys? Do you have a huge TBR? Does it overwhelm you to the point of driving to build a blanket fort and never coming out? How do you sort out what to read and what to just chuck? Do you ever feel like you just want to quit?

6 thoughts on “Overwhelmed By Your TBR.

  1. I don’t buy a lot of physical books because I’m cheap and I don’t like clutter. That helps. Lately though I’ve won some books and I do feel a bit guilty that I haven’t gotten to them yet.


    • See that’s my problem! I love having the book in my hands! I have been getting better about cutting out the books I don’t want though! Yeah I get that way as well but then I feel guilty when I put down everything else for that book!


    • Oh my gosh yeah I bet! I’m going to YALLWEST this weekend and I’m like oh my gosh all the books I’m gonna come home with! Haha I have as well! I start to overthink and then I’m like nope stop it!


  2. I try not to think about my TBR piles anymore. My physical TBR pile has 30-something books in it right now, and my TBR pile on my Kindle has close to 700 books. If I let myself stress over it, I’ll never get any reading done (and I won’t want to either!).

    I’m sure quite a few books on my Kindle will end up never read. I’ve been slowly reading the ones that still look interesting to me, and deleting ones that I read the blurb and go “why did I grab this??” But it’s a very slow process.

    As far as my physical TBR shelf, I grab what looks interesting at the time. I’ve decided that if I haven’t gotten to the book after a year of being on that shelf, then it will be given away or traded at the local used bookstore for other books. Because if it’s sat there that long and I haven’t read it, I’m most likely not going to.


    • Yeah that’s a crazy amount of books! I would be the same way! If I ever thought about it to long I would just give up! I do the same thing! Sometimes I make a list but most of the time I just pick up what looks good! That’s actually a great policy to stick with! I definitely have some books that meet that criteria that should probably just go already!


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